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Blanka Flora

Shifting Roots Facilitator

Blanka ist seit September 2022 zum Move2Rise Team dazu gestoßen und vermittelt sowohl in den Company Programmen als auch im Kurssetting die wunderbare Technik von „Shifting Roots – Alegado Movement Laguage“.

Als langjährige Assistentin von Joe Alegado und Gründungsmitglied von „Shifting Roots – AML“ bringt sie nun diese Bewegungssprache, die aus der Modern Limòn Technik und Joe’s Vision von Ballett und der Fusion mit Ballsportarten, entstanden ist, nach Österreich.


Blanka studied dance BA at The Place – Contemporary Dance Academy in London, and later at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, where she successfully completed her MA in Dance Pedagogy. For ten years she has worked with dancer and choreographer Joe Alegado, the creator of the Shifting Roots-the Alegado Movement Language (AML), as a teacher and co-creator. In these ten years, she has had the opportunity to teach and choreograph classes of Shifting Roots where she has gained a significant audience throughout the world. Since 2016, she has been a co-creator, independent teacher, and – since 2020 – the only person certified to teach Shifting Roots – the AML. In 2021, she was awarded the Viktor Fülöp Fellowship for Pedagogy.

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